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Second Freedom Services 

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"This coaching and development program is like nothing else I have experienced in all my years leading in Human Resources with Microsoft, Nordstrom and Blue Cross.

Self-awareness is key to being an effective leader. Without it, we’ll never learn, grow, improve or influence. We’ll ignore our blind spots, gloss over our weaknesses, and overestimate our strengths. David's ability to identify and measure with pinpoint accuracy, the leader's areas of strength and potential, combined with his tailored approach to developing leaders to thrive in complexity and uncertainty, makes this the most effective leadership development program I am aware of in the marketplace.

David's approach, his coaching style, and the work he has done with us has made us a more effective leadership team, and the organization has benefited from that."

- Cecily Hall
Executive Vice President of Human Resources, Premera Blue Cross.


Business Discussion

PHASE 1: Measuring
Leadership Effectiveness

Before we begin to develop leadership effectiveness, we need to identify what needs to be developed in the leader.


This is analogous to training athletes where we first establish a baseline (e.g. strides per minute on the run, wattage on the bike, and heartrate thresholds on the swim).


Our unique 3D diagnostic system leads to a comprehensive view of the leader summarized in our proprietary Leadership Consciousness Index© which we have quantitively correlated to key business performance metrics.


What is included in this phase?

  • Three leadership diagnostics (Skills. Capacity. 360°.)

  • Stakeholder interviews

  • Shadow coaching

  • Individual coaching calls


What is the output in this phase?

  • Leadership Consciousness Index scores “overall, conscious of self, conscious of others, and conscious of systems)

  • Individual coaching plans

  • Team coaching plans 

PHASE 2: Developing Leadership Effectiveness

Using the individual and team coaching plans, we create customized VUCA Loops of Learning designed to grow specific skills and expand capacity for working in complexity and uncertainty.


We help to create an environment where learning and development is safe and celebrated within the team.


What is included in this phase?

  • Bi-weekly individual coaching calls

  • Monthly team sessions

  • Customized VUCA Loops of Learning (for individuals and teams)

  • Tracking key metrics and progress

  • Stakeholder interviews to identify impact on employees, customers, and other parties


What is the output in this phase?

  • Comparison report of leadership consciousness scores before and after Phase 2

  • An updated individual and team coaching plan for further work

  • Comprehensive report on stakeholder interviews to show wider impact of this work

  • A shift from a ‘Technical’ problem solving mindset to ‘Adaptive’ VUCA leadership

Business Meeting
Team Meeting

PHASE 3: Sustaining Leadership Effectiveness

Moving from consciously knowing what I should be doing to making it into a habit. Developing habits for the leader to continue their journey of learning and ongoing development.


What is included in this phase?

  • Monthly coaching calls

  • Quarterly team sessions


What is the output in this phase?

  • Quarterly updates to individual and team coaching plans


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Second Freedom – Redefine

Whole Systems Transformation. Three Phases of Measuring. Fostering. Sustaining. This is our signature offering. Ultimately, we help transform entire systems to contribute to raising global consciousness.

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Second Freedom Measure

Leadership Effectiveness Measurement. A unique 3-dimensional, full-spectrum measurement process with some coaching, a written Leadership Coaching Index report that combines data and observations, and an Individual and/or Executive Team Coaching Plan.

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Second Freedom – Collaborate

Transformational Leadership Coaching Program. Our ACTP accredited program (ICF) is a Transformational Leadership Coaching Program (TLCP) for executives, HR specialists, and change agents who would like to further professionalize their skills in developing and coaching employees or for currently active coaches, who would like to expand their toolbox of practical and highly transformational methods.

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Second Freedom – Reflect

Gateway to Second Freedom. A three-day extraordinary retreat for leaders to reflect. Only one member from a company attends at a time. Bridging First Freedom with Second Freedom, participants learn how to integrate both and live, work, and lead from Second Freedom on a consistent basis and gain a taste of Third Freedom.

Second Freedom – Reveal

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Gateway to Third Freedom. By invitation only. A year-long intensive program for leaders who have attended the Gateway to Second Freedom - Reflect retreat. A closed cohort of senior leaders firmly committed to their own vertical development meets regularly for intensive retreats throughout the year. Only one member per company may attend, unless decided otherwise.



The world that leaders face is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA).


VUCA Leadership Effectiveness can be measured.


VUCA Leadership can be developed and sustained.

What Sets Our Whole Systems Approach Apart?

  • We have discovered a unique three-dimensional measurement process that is modeled after a high-performance athletic program.


  • We leverage neuroplasticity to re-wire the brain to think and act more effectively in the context of complexity.


  • We create a collective learning environment that supports individual learning.

Hypothesis 1:

VUCA Leadership, even as an emergent property, can be measured.

Hypothesis 2:

We can accelerate this process with advanced scientific techniques and specific awareness practices.

Hypothesis 3:

VUCA leadership skills can be developed and sustained.

Second Freedom


© 2021 Second Freedom, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 

Website Created by MBM Agency

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