Second Freedom – Collaborate is a training in transformational leadership business coaching. It is aimed at executives, HR specialists ,and change agents who would like to further professionalize their skills in developing and coaching employees. It is also for potential or currently active coaches, who would like to build and expand their well-founded toolboxes with practical and highly transformational methods.

Systemic Stance – At the heart of the training is the development and internalization of the systemic, resource-oriented, appreciative, and transformational work with people, which also allows us to be benevolently challenging in the service of others' growth. According to our understanding, this includes the ability to communicate with pinpoint empathy.
Competency Expansion – You will learn coaching methods that will help you to lead people much more effectively into responsibility instead of prescribing solutions or giving advice. As a result, intrinsically motivated behavioral changes become possible.
Experience-Based Personality Development – The principle of this training is based on one's own experiences. In doing, in experiencing, and in observing and reflecting. You will not only be active as a coach, but you will also take on the role of a coachee/client with your real-life issues. You will act as an observer and provider of high-quality feedback for the other participants.
Six modules of three days each within 9-12 months.
The training is conducted by two teaching coaches and alternating guest coaches.
During the training, you will work with a maximum of 8-12 participants.
" You cannot teach man anything - you can only help him find it within himself. "
Hover over the boxes below to view more information inside of each module.
What is coaching?
Features and Uses of Coaching
Systemic Constructivism
Coaching Basics
The Coaching Stance
Introduction of the ICF Coaching Definition and the ICF Core Competencies
Initial Interview and Assignment Clarification
Sequence & Phases of a Coaching Process
Systemic Question Techniques in Coaching and Their Effects
Goal Development & Goal Formulation
Coaching Basics I
Phases of Coaching Conversations
Defining Attractive Goals
Systemic Question Techniques
Empathic Communication & Active Listening. Nonviolent Communication (NVC) according to Marshall Rosenberg as Attitude & Method in Coaching
Sharpening of Perception: What is Empathy, What is Not?
Three Levels of Listening
4 Steps to Self Clarification
Determination of Position & Development of Concrete Steps With the Help of the ‘Scaling Walk’
Reflection & Documentation of the Coaching Process
Coaching Basics II
Empathic Communication
Systemic Interventions
Solution Focus
Deepening of Systemic Questioning Techniques
Visualization of Social Systems with Ground Anchors
Association & Dissociation in Coaching
Solution-Focused Brief Coaching
Analog Techniques: Working with Symbols
Analog Methods
Visualization of Social Systems
Solution-Focused Brief Coaching
Empathic Communication & Active Listening. Nonviolent Communication (NVC) according to Marshall Rosenberg as Attitude & Method in Coaching
Sharpening of Perception: What is Empathy, What is Not?
Three Levels of Listening
4 Steps to Self Clarification
Determination of Position & Development of Concrete Steps With the Help of the ‘Scaling Walk’
Reflection & Documentation of the Coaching Process
Recognize Projection Mechanisms
Interrupt Patterns
Design Actions
Getting to Know Inner Parts
Constellation of the Inner Team
Quick-Win Tools for Decision Coaching
Tetralemma Constellation According to Mathias Varga von Kibéd
Transforming Beliefs Positively with the Belief Transformation
Coaching in Decision-Making
The Inner Team
Transforming Core Beliefs
Conflict & Certification
Conflict Management in Individual Coaching
Special Features of Conflict Management in the Triad
Addressing Difficult Messages
Empathic Self Clarification
Translation into Relationship-Oriented Communication
Conducting Live Coaching with Unknown Coachees
Reflection on Personal Development During the Training
Conflict Coaching
Changing Perspectives
Live Coaching
Assessments Based on ICF Core Competencies
Coaching conversations. Self-reflection. Exchange in peer groups.
Mentor coaching. Individual certification.
Systemic-transformational coaching not only looks at the individual, but includes the environment, the context, and the resulting interactions. The approach assumes that every system creates its reality on the basis of the subjective perception, principles, and experiences of its system. This enables a remarkable appreciation of differences, behaviors, and reaction patterns.
Coaching is an effective and sustainable form of adult-oriented development of people. In the sense of help for self-help, it activates ownership, intrinsic motivation, and one's own problem-solving skills in strategic planning and change processes. This way, you can impact the inner attitudes and behavioral patterns of individuals as well as their interplay in the system.
Your will and commitment are required if you want to internalize an attitude, sharpen your intuition, and use coaching techniques with confidence. The training requires you to be active not only in the modules, but also to hold coaching conversations and to work with your peer group. Nothing is more valuable than gaining your own experience and reflecting on it and to reflect on them in a sustainable way. Be a learner again, look beyond your own nose, think outside the box and venture into the realm of not knowing!
The Transformational Leadership Coaching Program is about creating a culture or environment that can best support the greatest potential to emerge.
Transformational Coaching- What Is it?
Transformational Coaching cuts to the essence of circumstances and situations, identifies emerging potential, and then partners with that potential to discover a clear pathway forward—a pathway that can lead us toward a world that works.
Transformational Coaching skills help you help others come into alignment with who they essentially are, and with the purpose of their lives by connecting them with their awareness and the potential of the moment.
Our program enhances your capacity to call forward the greatest in the people around you.

How Do We Do It?
In Transformational Coaching, we work ‘inside out’. We bring our client, coach, or employee in contact with the energy of his or her authentic self.
From a deep understanding of who he/she essentially is and the choices he/she makes in life, we help create a culture where continued growth and transformative change can be achieved.
You will examine the premise that everything - including our thoughts, emotions, perceptions, situations, and circumstances - are essentially energy and objects that arise and are impermanent. You experience how to step into the energy and work with it for accelerated and productive results.
What Are Your Take-Aways?
Frameworks for navigating complex situations and circumstances and finding effective next steps.
How to cut to the essence of a situation and its potential, thereby accelerating transformation.
How to work with change, instead of struggling against it.
How to understand what is happening on multiple levels of circumstances.
Approaches for reducing stress and fostering resilience in the face of uncertainty.
How to meet both opportunities and challenges with clarity and confidence.
How to sense and perceive beyond the obvious. "Connect the dots" and work with the interconnection of everything.

1. You work as a coach and apply each method directly.
2. You work in the role of the coachee on your own genuine issues and concerns.
3. Through your role as an observer of coaching processes, you will you refine your perception.
You learn to give authentic, clear, and goal-oriented feedback, and to justify it.
Every human being already carries everything within him that he needs for his own development.
In coaching, the focus is therefore on potential-oriented self development. This means that your coachee remains responsible for their content - and you facilitate the process.
The focus is on competencies, less on 'deficits’; on goals and solutions instead of on the causes and the past.
You will learn and work with a broad mix of methods, which will be learning experiences and support you in transferring what you have learned to into your everyday work.
Your instructors are certified, experienced senior coaches with different backgrounds. The heterogeneous training group enables you to gain versatile insights and an enriching exchange.
In the role as a coach, you lead coaching sessions.
In the role as student, you will study the handout, literature, articles, and videos.
In the role as peer, you exchange with others to improve coaching skills and receive feedback.
Six modules of three days each, extending over approximately one year.
In between the modules, participants conduct self-organized coaching sessions, reflect on them, and document their progress. They receive assignments and literature recommendations and organize themselves independently in their peer groups (coaching partnerships) to exchange ideas and support each other.
TLCP is based on the standards of the ICF, the International Coach Federation.
This gold standard and worldwide professional coaches association have defined ethical standards and 8 core competencies, which people with the attitude of a facilitator and coach. distinguish themselves.
In addition, TLCP is accredited by the ICF with the ACTP seal of accreditation. Second Freedom has adopted these guidelines as the basis for TLCP.
As professional executive coaches, we recognize the high benefit of core competencies for people who accompany other people.
Click here to view the updated ICF Core Competencies.
By completing TLCP, you have already fulfilled the essential requirements for certification as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) by the ICF.
We recommend that you strive for ACC certification. Other formally required steps to certification are the collection and practical coaching experience, the use of mentoring mentor coaching in order to assess one's own coaching reflect on one's own coaching competencies in practical application, as well as the completion of an online knowledge test at the ICF.
You can also participate in the training independently of certification to take part in the training or decide to do so at a later point in time. More detailed info on ICF certification: www.coachfederation.org
Receive the stamp of approval
for your leadership.

“Thank you very much, dear Marion, for instructive, inspiring, lifechanging, connecting, and absolutely unforgettable nine months of coaching training!
You have not only taught us a lot, you have shown us how to do things - you have inspired us, amazed us, encouraged us, gave us very differentiated feedback, went into conflict with us, and at the same time showed yourself as a human being.
You made yourself vulnerable, shared your feelings with us, challenged and encouraged us; with devotion, creativity and love”.

At the same time respectful and appreciative.
Without psycho show effects.
Confident, but at the same time approachable and vulnerable.
At the same time not chumming up.
Without any guru attitude.
In developmental psychology and applied neurobiology, but not theoretical or dogmatic.
What are the lead instructors for the program?Marion Guérin (MCC). Kathleen Schütz (PCC)
What are the dates and locations of when and where the program is to be delivered?The dates and times will be upon request.
What language(s) that are used in program delivery?English and German
How the program is delivered?Combination of Face-to-face (majority), video calls and webinars.
What are the target groups for this program?• Business executives • Company owners • Entrepreneurs • Intrapreneurs • HR professionals • Practicioner and facilitators in Learning and Development • Change agents • Agile coaches • Coaches who want to expand their skillset • Anyone who is committed to expanding their consciousness through coaching We sincerely aim for an optimal fit between what you are looking for and our training. This is very important to us. We offer a demanding program with quality standards that require a high level of commitment. Therefore, we like to take the time to get to know you and your wishes and expectations as closely as possible and answer your questions. In a preliminary phone call we would like to clarify “Is the chemistry right? Do we share values? Does our training fit you and your goals?”
What are the requirements that students must meet to enter the program?You have at least 5-7 years of professional experience. You will provide a 2-page paper on your “life journey”, describing the transformational moments of your life. Please let us also know about your favourite self-reflection practices. You will read 1 coaching relevant article that we provide you with We strongly encourage you to become familiar with the ICF core competencies You will identify your most recent or actual business challenges. What keeps you awake at night? We will have a ‘Dialogue Interview’’* with you (30-45 minutes). During this interview we will get to know each other, and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions to reach a maximum of clarity as the foundation for your decision whether to enroll or not. *= ‘Dialogue Interview’ (Otto Scharmer, Presencing). What? This conversation aims to engage you in a reflective and generative conversation. It will provide insights into questions and challenges you are facing. It begins to build a generative field for the program you – should you decide to enroll – want to co-create with us.
What happens when we accept you into the program?You will do two ‘Stakeholder Interviews’: another participant will be your assigned ‘buddy’. To support your buddy’s development right from the start, you will be doing 2 ‘stakeholder interviews’ to gain insights and feedback about your buddy (and your buddy will do the same for you). Questions to ask the Stakeholders: where is your buddy now in his/her life (present), what are their personal and professional challenges (present) and what is their highest potential (future)? You will connect with your buddy immediately to receive the contact information of their stakeholders and you will schedule and hold the interviews BEFORE the start of the program. Please make notes during the interviews, print them and bring this summary with you to the first module of the program.
As a successful participant of the Transformational Leadership Coaching Program which intends to deepen your personal and professional mastery, you will aim for this:"Full attendance at all face-to-face modules and in virtual meetings During the program you will consistently engage in coaching practice with at least 2-3 coaching clients or 20-30 hours of coaching Throughout the program, you will engage consistently in self-observation, self-reflection practices such as journaling supervision or deep listening practices with peers Between modules, you will engage with your buddy and/or your buddy-group on a regular basis to deepen your understanding of coaching and the practical application of ICF core competencies During modules, you will fully participate and act proactively to contribute in the co-creation of a successful group experience As a member of that group, you will seek to stay aware of the impact of your conscious and unconscious behaviour You will stay open for feedback (receiving and giving) and strive to embrace any irritation or challenge as an opportunity for growth You will seek to contribute to each other participant’s growth and development You will stay open in your own development and in conversation with the lead coach and mentor coach
What are the payment options for the program?TUITION: Tuition is $ 12,990. The balance of tuition is normally due one month before the program starts (Option A); however, other options are available as described below. EARLY-PAY DISCOUNT Option B: Pay in full two months before the program starting date and take an early-pay discount (upon request). This option is for payments by check or wire transfer only; not credit card. PAY OVER TIME Choose from the four-month or the one-year schedule: Option C: Pay $..... for four consecutive months, beginning the first day of the month the first session takes place (includes $100 finance charge) Option D: Pay $...... for twelve consecutive months, beginning the first day of the month the first session takes place (includes $...... finance charge). PROPOSE YOUR OWN PLAN Option E: You are welcome to propose a custom payment plan that suits your individual needs and submit the proposal upon payment of your deposit. If we cannot accept your proposal nor negotiate other acceptable terms with you, we will return your deposit.
What is the cancellation and transfer policy?These policies are effective as of the time you submit your deposit. DEPOSIT: The deposit for the program is non-refundable and non-transferable. The deposit you submit is only applicable to your chosen cohort and may not be transferred to another cohort. Please note that if you are not accepted into the program for which you’ve applied, your deposit will be fully refunded. TUITION DUE: The tuition is due and payable one month before the program begins. You are welcome to request an alternate payment plan (including the ones suggested on our site, which we always accept), but the financial obligation for the tuition is incurred at this time.You may cancel 30 days or more prior to the starting date of the program, and your tuition is fully refundable minus the non-refundable deposit. If you cancel between 30 and 14 days prior, we will refund 50% of the program fee. If you are on a payment plan and have not yet paid in full, 50% of the program fee becomes immediately due and payable.No refunds are possible after 14 days prior to the starting date. If you cancel less than 14 days before the program starts and have not yet paid in full, the program fee becomes immediately due and payable. TRANSFERS/SUBSTITUTIONS: You may not transfer to another program nor substitute another person in your place. Policies on withdrawals and refunds: WITHDRAWALS: If you withdraw from the program at any time for any reason, we will not refund your tuition. If the tuition is being paid in installments, the full amount becomes immediately due and payable. EMERGENCIES: We always try to accommodate absences resulting from emergencies such as severe illness, accidents, and so on. Especially with the TLCP however, adjustments can be challenging. Therefore we are not able to accommodate requests for transfers for any other reason, such as work scheduling issues, family reunions, or the World Cup, for example.